Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 20, No 1 (2007)

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Character Association and Path Analysis Studies in Green Chilli for Yield and Yield Attributes (Capsicum annuum L.)

Krishna.C. Ukkund, M.P. Patil, M.B. Madalageri, Ravindra Mulage, R.C. Jagadeesh


Character association and path analysis in eighty genotypicaly divers indigenous and exotic genotypes of chilli was studied for 13 important characters. The phenotypic and genotypic association of fruit yield was significantly positive with all the characters except days to first flowering and ten fruit weight. Early fruit yield and late fruit yield per plant found highly significant and positive correlation with total fruit yield might assigned to more number of fruits produced by the early and late genotypes. The genotypic and phenotypic path coefficient reveled that total green chilli had high direct positive effect from early and late fruit yield. So selection should be done based on early and late fruit yield would be rewarding.

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