Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 20, No 4 (2007)

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A Scale for Measurement of Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Dairy Farmers

R.R. Chaudhari, L.V. Hirevenkanagoudar, S.N. Hanchinal, A.N. Mokashi, P.A. Katharki, B. Banakar


The present study was conducted in two districts namely, Dharwad and Belgaum of Karnataka State with sample size of 200 dairy farmers to measure their entrepreneurial behaviour.  Nine components of entrepreneurial behaviour  of dairy farmers namely, innovativeness, achievement motivation, decision making ability, risk orientation, co-ordinating ability, planning ability, information seeking behaviour, cosmopoliteness and self confidence were selected based on relevancy weightage and scale value. The standard procedure was followed to develop the scale such as item/statement collection, criteria given by Edward (1969) to frame the statements, judges’ response on items, item analysis, validity and reliability. It was observed that the scale values of components of entrepreneurial behaviour of dairy farmers i.e. innovativeness, achievement motivation, decision making ability, risk orientation, coordinating ability, planning ability, information seeking behaviour, cosmopoliteness and self confidence were 9.82, 3.39, 6.60, 8.01, 5.03, 6.91, 5.22, 1.65 and 3.89, respectively.  It reveals that all the statements under components of entrepreneurial behaviour of dairy farmers were found to have highly significant.  And also all the statements had relevancy weightage more than 0.75.  Hence, the entrepreneurial behaviour scale was found to be standardized.

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