Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 21, No 1 (2008)

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A Study on Feedback Behaviour of Extension Personnel of Karnataka State Department of Agriculture

K.A. Jahagirdar, A.S. Balasubramanya


The study was conducted during the year 2004-05 in four districts of North Karnataka namely Dharwad, Belgaum, Gadag and Haveri. The extension personnel of ‘Karnataka State Department of Agriculture’ [KSDA] under government sector i.e. AAOs and AAs are the grass root level workers engaged in transfer of technology process for KSDA were considered as respondents. Among them number of AAOs and AAs selected for the study are 40 and 140 respectively. A structured questionnaire consisting of various indices, tests and scales was prepared in consultation with experts and review of literature to measure the variables. The results revealed that majority (76 %) of the government extension personnel were found in ‘medium communication behaviour’ category. Majority of the respondents (68 %) informed the ‘agriculture problems’ to ‘higher officers’ followed by ‘shared in monthly meeting’ (65 %). Seventy per cent of the government extension personnel informed extension programmes to higher officers and 63 per cent of the respondents shared in monthly meetings. Feedback with UAS scientists was observed only in case of ‘Agriculture problems’ in order to get possible solutions to solve the problems.

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