Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 21, No 1 (2008)

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A New Coccinia (Coccinia indica) DRC-1, A Variety Boon to Vegetable Growers

P.R. Dharmatti, R.V. Patil, S.S. Patil, S.I. Athani


Investigation on identification of superior genotype of coccinia was undertaken during 2002-2006 at Olericulture Unit, UAS, Dharwad.  The results revealed that out of 46 genotypes evaluated,  DRC-1 recorded significantly higher fruit yield of 28.98 kgs/plant and higher fruit yield of 84.17 t/ha.   The quality parameters of DRC-1 were also superior for all the traits except shelf life of fruits.  The yield attributing characters like fruit length (5.7 cm), fruit diameter (2.06 cm), average fruit  weight (20.13 gms) and average number of fruits/plants (1788.66) were significantly superior in DRC-1 compare to other genotypes.  Based on the 4 years of investigation, DRC-1 genotype was found superior for all the characters except shelf life and this genotype is recommended for cultivation among the vegetable growers

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