Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 21, No 3 (2008)

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Assessment of Energy Requirement for Cultivation of Kharif and Rabi Sorghum

S.R. Kalbande, G.R. More


A study was conducted at Dryland and Organic Research Station, Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani  during 2005-06 on assessment of energy requirement for cultivation of rainfed crops such as Kharif Sorghum and Rabi Sorghum. To estimate the energy needs of these crops, three experiments were conducted with three tillage treatments under two sources of draft power. The experimental study revealed that the threshing, harvesting, interculture and seedbed preparation operations were energy intensive under both the sources of draft power. Out of mechanical, conventional and shallow tillage methods, the minimum farm operational energy was required in case of  shallow tillage method. The minimum input energy of 6712.65MJ/ha was required to raise Rabi sorghum by adopting shallow tillage method. The total output energy in conventional tillage was more (100340.15 MJ/ha) as compare to mechanical tillage (87848.80 MJ/ha) and shallow tillage (83040.50MJ/ha). The mean energy ratio among the crops for mechanical tillage was found very less (7.14) than the conventional (11.08) and shallow tillage (10.59). The specific energy required for Rabi Sorghum was more as compare to the Kharif Sorghum. The energy productivity for Kharif Sorghum was found to be 0.328 kg/MJ which was maximum as compare to Rabi Sorghum 0.217 kg/MJ. The energy requirement for Kharif Sorghum crop production and the output energy was found more as compare to the Rabi Sorghum crop. The specific energy was found more for Rabi Sorghum crop in mechanical tillage method.

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