Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 22, No 2 (2009)

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Genetic studies on tospovirus resistance and yield components in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) Wettsd

K.H. Yashavanta Kumar, Satish S. Patil, P.R. Dharmatti, A.S. Byadagi, S.T. Kajjidoni, R.H. Patil


Six geographically divergent lines were crossed with six testers in line x Tester  fashion for estimation of combining ability effects for tospovirus resistance and economic characters including average fruit weight, number of fruits per plant and yield per plant. Estimates of gca, sca and their ratio indicated higher magnitude of non-additive gene action for majority of characters except TSS. The parents S-61(294.47) & (-5.76),  S-05(350.85) & (-3.26) (Lines) and BFL (217.27) & (0.90) and Arka Alok (83.93) & (-7.01). (Testers) were found to be good general combiners for yield and tospovirus resistance. The crosses S-05 x BFL(859.61)&(-19.65), S-61 x Arka Alok(1037.96)&(-6.74), S-61 x BFL(812.33)&(-17.15) and S-05 x DMT-1(755.03)& (-13.82)were exhibited significant sca effect for yield and tospovirus resistance.

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