Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 22, No 5 (2009)

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Genotypic variation for root traits to phosphorus deficiency in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper)

Shridevi A. Jakkeral, S.T. Kajjidoni, R.V. Koti


Phosphorus deficiency is one of the major factors limiting to plant growth and productivity in many ecosystem. Most of the adaptations and acclimations are targeted towards increasing its availability, uptake and utilization efficiency Marked changes in root morphology and architecture under P deficiency helps plants to explore soil for the nutrient. The objective of this paper was to evaluate genetic variation for root and P uptake traits and to identify genotypes for P uptake among eighteen genotypes under P deficiency condition. Root traits like root length, root volume, number of lateral roots and root surface area contributed to the total P uptake at 45 days after sowing. The results also indicated presence of variability in most of the root morphological traits and few genotypes sustained leaf area at both low and high P availability and an increase in root volume was noticed in low P level. The physiological and genetic analysis of P deficiency highlights the ability of plant to adapt and thrive under phosphate limiting conditions and DBS-13 and DBS-7 were identified as high P uptake genotypes under P deficiency.

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