Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 22, No 5 (2009)

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Genotype x environmental interactions and stability analysis of non-spiny breeding lines in safflower

Parameshwar K. Badiger, V. Badiger, V. Rudra Naik, K.G. Parameshwarappa, M.S. Patil


An experiment was carried out involving seven genotypes and five check varieties during rabi 2006-07 at three different locations to know the magnitude of variability present and to assess the stability of genotypes for yield and yield components Pooled analysis of variance revealed significant differences and diversity among genotypes for most of the characters. GxE interaction was significant for most of the traits, the non-linear component (pooled deviation) was highly significant for all characters except for capitula size and seed yield per plot. On the basis of stability parameters, A-1 x NARI-6 was promising genotype for majority of characters with higher mean performance across environments.

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