Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 22, No 5 (2009)

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Yield gap in sericulture in Karnataka - An economic analysis

Raveendra Mattigatti, B.P. Veerabhadrappa, C.K. Renukarya


The present study analyses the total yield gap in sericulture (mulberry and silkworm rearing) into three different gaps viz. yield gap-I, yield gap-II and yield gap- III. Yield gap-III indicates the yield uncertainty in sericulture. The study was conducted in Karnataka using primary data collected from 120 sample farmers covering four sample districts for the year 2007- 08. Most of the sample farmers were growing latest mulberry variety V-1 and latest bivoltine (CSR2 x CSR4) and multivoltine (Kolar Gold) silkworm hybrids. A wider total yield gap was observed in mulberry leaf production (47.46 per cent) compared to silkworm rearing (mainly Multivoltine) and cocoon production (14.46 per cent). In the case of mulberry yield gap-I was higher (33.40 per cent) compared to yield gap-II (9.92 per cent) and yield gap-III (12.42 per cent). Thus, yield gap in mulberry is mainly due to variation in climatic factors and water resources. Yield gap in silkworm rearing which is the crucial part of sericulture is mainly due to uncertain factors (9.24 per cent) indicating that silkworm are sensitive to environmental factors.

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