Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 22, No 5 (2009)

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Estimation of heterosis for tospovirus resistance in tomato

K.H. Yashavantha Kumar, S.S. Patil, P.R. Dharmatti, A.S. Byadagi, S.T. Kajidoni, R.H. Patil


In tomato, the extent of heterosis for tospovirus resistance, yield and associated characters was studied during summer 2008, in a set of 36 hybrids produced from a Line x tester mating design involving six lines and six testers of diverse nature maintained in pure form in the Vegetable block, Division of Horticulture UAS, Dharwad, India. Appreciable amount of heterobeltosis and standard heterosis was noticed for majority of the traits studied. Among the 36 hybrids studied, none of the hybrids was significantly superior over commercial check in desirable direction for less TSWV disease severity. S-61 x Arka Alok, S-05 x DMT -1, S-05 x Arka Alok and S-05 x BFL were found to be on par with commercial check for less TSWV disease severity and significantly superior for higher fruit yield per plant, average fruit weight number of fruits per plant over commercial check NS-5005 (Lakshmi).

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