Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 17, No 2 (2004)

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Response of Blackgram Genotypes to Dates of Sowing and Phosphorus Levels in Northern Transitional Tract of Karnataka

G.S. Yadahalli, Y.B. Palled


The study revealed that the yield, yield components, nutrient uptake as well as economics were significantly influenced by blackgram genotypes and dates of sowing. The phosphorus levels had no significant influence. Blackgram genotype, TAU-1 produced significantly higher seed yield (845.41 kg/ha) over Manikya and K-3. Crop sown on 16th June recorded significantly higher seed yield (1068.87 kg/ha) over other dates of sowing. The maximum net income and B:C ratio were recorded by in TAU-1 sown on 16th June with 50 kg P2O5 per ha (Rs. 17007 ha-1 and 3.34, respectively).

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