Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 17, No 2 (2004)

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Studies on Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Jackfruit Clones of South Karnataka

B.M.C. Reddy, Prakash Patil, S. Shashi Kumar, L.R. Govindaraju


A total of 10 open pollinated fruits of jackfruit collected from elite clones of South Karnataka were evaluated for different qualitative and quantitative traits of the fruit based on descriptors developed by International Plant Genetic Research Institute (IPGRI) for jackfruit. Among the quantitative traits, maximum variability was observed for the characters like fruit weight, fruit shape, carpel number, carpel colour and carpel size. Different accessions were identified for these fruit characters. Of the qualitative characters studied, TSS recorded more variability in the clones identified and ranged from 24.8 - 40.5o brix. Highest TSS (40.5° brix) and lowest acidity (0.18%) was noticed in Acc.No.18 and Acc.No.7, respectively. Reducing sugar was more in Acc.No.15 (8.62%). Based on these physico-chemical characters, best types are being selected for multiplication by means of vegetative propagation to distribute to the farmers.

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