Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 17, No 3 (2004)

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Intercropping Studies in Kharif Sorghum Under Rainfed Condition

V.V. Angadi, A.Y. Hugar, B. Basavaraj, N.Y. Nayakar


The study was conducted on medium deep black soil of at Main Agril. Research Station of Dharwad (India) during kharif season of 1998, 1999 and 2000 revealed that sorghum grain equivalent yield (SEY) was found to be significantly higher with sorghum + pigeonpea intercropping system in 3:3 row proportion (128.67 q/ha) compared to other intercropping systems. Sole sorghum recorded least SEY (53.54 q/ha). Net monetary return (Rs/ha) was influenced by treatments during all the three years of investigation. Highest net monetary return (Rs/ha) was recorded by Sorghum + Pigeonpea (22,716 Rs/ha) with 3:3 row proportion followed by Sorghum +Groundnut (19,861 Rs/ha) with 2:4 row proportion, Sorghum +Groundnut (16,133 Rs/ha) with 3:6 row proportion. All the sorghum based intercropping systems with legume crops proved their superiority over the sole cropping of sorghum.

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