Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 18, No 1 (2005)

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Studies on Land Cofiguration Methods, Row Spacing and Time of Nitrogen Application on Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Cotton in Dryland Condition of Westrern Zone of Tamil Nadu

C. Muralidaran, A. Solaimalai


A field experimenmt was carried out during rabi 1999-01 to study the effect of diferent water harvesting methods, row width and time of nitrogen application on nutrient uptake and yield of cotton, Board bed and furrow system of cultivation recorded maximum nitrogen uptake, kapas and of 50% N at squaring + 50% N at flowering stage resulted in higher N uptake and yield of cotton. However, phosphorus and pottasium uptake by cotton crop were unaffected by water harvesting methods, row which and time of N application.

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