Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 18, No 1 (2005)

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Effect of Feeding Treated and Untreated Cotton Seed Hull Diet on Growth and Digestibility in Calves

M.C. Shivakumar, B.K. Pugashetti, D.G. Naik, S.V. Hosamani, V.S. Kulkarni


Two diets with or without untreated/treated (anaerobically fermented) cotton seed hulls (CSH) were fed to cross-bred calves having average body weight of 87kgs for a period of 60 days. Daily gain was significantly ( P<0.05) higher in treated group calves as compared to untreated CSH based diets. Total dry matter intake was significantly (P< 0.05) lower in treated group compared to untreated and control group calves: Dry matter digestibility percentage varied significantly (P<0.05) among the groups being significantly higher in control group followed by treated and untreated CSH based diets.

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