Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 17, No 4 (2004)

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Performance Studies in Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L) DC.) for Green Vegetable Pod Yield and Its Component Characters

A. Mohamadali, M.B. Madalageri, M.S. Kulkarni


Thirty-six genotypes of winged bean were evaluated to know the performance of each genotype for green vegetable pod yield and its component characters at KRC College of Horticulture, Arabhavi (Karnataka) during the year 2000. The genetic variability and variability components coupled with character associations among the yield component were computed. Based on the genetic parameters and per se performance, the genotypes PTK-7, WAS-26-6, PTK-9, PTK-6 and WAS-13-1 were selected as superior genotypes for the irrigated agro-ecosystem of northern Karnataka.

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