Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 15, No 2 (2002)

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Growth, Yield and Yield Parameters of Sunflower as Influenced by Organic Manures, Biofertilizers and Micronutrients Under Irrigation

S.S. Kulkarni, Ramesh Babu, B.T. Pujari


Field experiment conducted at Raichur during rabi 1999-2000 on clay loam soils using factorial randomized design with three replications to study the influence of organic manures, biofertilizers and micronutrients on growth, yield and yield parameters of sunflower, indicated that highest grain yield among the organic manures was recorded by application of Poultry manure (1877 kg/ha) as compared to the application of FYM (1659 kg/ha) and No organic manure (1413 kg/ha) treatment. Seed treatment with Azospirillum was  found not significant. Among the micronutrients, Boron spray found significantly superior (1722 kg/ha) over MgSO4, Spray (1655kg/ha), FeS04 Spray (1641 Kg/ha) and No micronutrient spray (1580 kg/ha) on yield.

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