Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 15, No 2 (2002)

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Dry Matter Production, Nutrient Content and Yield Performance of Tomato in Leucaena Based Alley Cropping System

H.D. Kolekar, T.B. Allolli, P. Narayana Reddy, M.G. Patil


A field experiment was conducted on red sandy loam soils to know the impact of incorporation of loppings (ICL) as source of organic green manure @ 5 t/ha and varying levels (25% to 150%) of recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) on the dry matter production, nutrient content of leaf and yield of tomato, raised in the interspace of nine year old leucaena hedge rows spaced at 6 m distance, during rabi season of 1999-2000 at Regional Research Station, Raichur. Alley tomato (crop in the interspace of leucaena hedges) treated with loggings @ 5t/ha and 100 per cent RDN produced significantly the highest dry matter and yield, besides containing higher amount of nutrients in its leaves. The influence of loppings was more effective in conjunction  with supplimentation of N fertilizers.

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