Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 15, No 1 (2002)

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Response of Green gram to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels in Paddy Fallows

T.S. Rudreshappa, S.I. Halikatti


A field investigation was carried out at A. R.S. Mugad (Karnataka) to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus levels and their interaction effects on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of greengram in paddy fallows. The results indicated application of 12.5 kg N per ha recorded significantly higher grain yield (764kg/ ha), haulm yield (1662 kg/ha) besides higher N uptake (72.13kg/ha), P uptake (8.13 kg/ha) and protein yield (185 kg/ha) as compared to control.  Furtther increase in N dose (25kg N/ha) did not increase the yield significantly. Similarly, application at 25kg P2O5per ha. recorded signifirantly higher grain yield (752 kg/ha), N (69.2kg/ha) and P(7.61 kg/ha) uptake and protein yield (178 kg/ha) as compared to control. Comabined application of 12.5 kg N and 25 kg P205 per.ha. recorded significantly higher grain and haulm yield than other treatment combinations

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