Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 15, No 1 (2002)

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Water use Efficiency, Consumptive Use and Soil Moisture Depletion Pattern of Cabbage as influenced by Irrigation Schedules and Methods

K.H. Bhagavantagoudra, A.K. Rokhade


An investigation was carried out to study the effect of irrigation schedules and methods on yield, consumptive use, soil moisture depletion pattern and water use efficiency in cabbage. The crop irrigated at 1.6IIW/CPE ratio (33.40 t ha-1) and through furrow method of irrigation (31.281 ha-1) recorded significantly higher yields compared to other treatments. The maximum consumptive use was found with weekly irrigation (56.05 cm) and 1.6 IW/CPE ratio (50.18 cm) while the least consumptive use was registered with 1.0 IW/CPE ratio. Similarly among the different methods alternatively alternate furrow method is found promising in least consumptive use. Cabbage is a surface feeder, the maximum amount of moisture was depleted in shallow depth than deeper layer of soil. The maximum water use efficiency was found with the crop irrigated at 1.0 IW/CPE ratio with alternatively alternate furrow method and 1.5IW/ CPE ratio with alternatively alternate furrow method.

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