Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 4 (2001)

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Effect of Intercropping of Legumes on Forage Yield and Quality of Forage Sweet Sorghum

T. Thippeswamy, S.C. Alagundagi


A field experiment was conducted on medium black soil of the Main Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences. Dharwad during kharif 1998 to study the effect of Intercropping of legumes on yield and quality of forage sweetsorghum. The results of the experiment indicated that sweetsorghum + field bean intercropping system at 2:1 row proportion produced significantly higher mixed green forage (59.50 t/ha), dry matter (11.35 t/ha) and forage quality parameters viz., crude protein (812 kg/ha), crude fibre (3820 kg-ha), ether extract (259 kg/ha) and total ash (804 kg/ha) followed by sorghum + cowpea intercropping system at 2:1 row proportion.

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