Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 4 (2001)

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Productivity and Economics of Confectionery Groundnut as Influenced by Plant Density and Fertilizer Management

M.V. Nagaraj, Lokanath H. Malligawad, D.P. Biradar


A field experiment was conducted on black clay loam soil during post rainy/summer season of 1997- 98 to evaluate the effect of plant density (PD ) and fertilizer management practices (FMP) on yield on yied of groundnut. The results revealed that plant density of 1,48,148 plants ha-1 recorded higher dry pod yield (1717 kg ha-1)  compared to lower plant density of 74,074 plants ha-1 (1491 kg ha-1 ) arid 1,11,111 plants ha-1 (1535 kg ha -1). FMP involving the application of recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) (25 kgN,32.7kg Pand20.72kg Kha-1)+ FYM @ 7.5 t ha-1+Vennicompost @ 1 t ha-1 + Micronutrients (4.5 kg Fe ha-1 + 5kg Zn ha-1 + 0.25 kg Mo ha-1) produced significantty higher dry pod yield of groundnut (1796 kg ha-1) compared to FMP Involving RDF only (1475 kg ha. -1). Among the interaction effects, FMP involving application of RDF + Vermicompost @ 1t ha-1 + Micronutrients (4.5kg Fe ha-1) + 5kg Zn ha-1+ 0.25 kg Mo ha-1) at 1,11.111 plants ha-1 gave higher dry pod yield (1941 kg ha-1) and kernel yield (1265 kg ha-1) compared to FMP with application of RDF only at same plant density (1308 and 847 kg ha-1.respectively). Among plant densities, higher net returns (Rs.34,150 ha-1) were obtained at 1,48,148 plants ha-1compared to 74.074 plants ha-1(Rs.28.8l2 ha-1) . Among FMP, higher net returns ( Rs.36,905 ha-1) were obtained with the application of RDF + FYM @ 7.5 t ha-1+ Vermicompost @ 1t ha-1 + Micronutrients (4.5 kg Fe ha'-1+ 5 kg Zn ha-1+ 0.25 kg Mo ha'-1). Among the PD x FMP interactions, highest net returns of Rs. 39.636 ha-1 were obtained with application of RDF + FYM @ 7.51 ha-1 + Vermioompost @ 1t ha-1 + Micronutrients (4.5 kg Fe ha-1+ 5kg Zn ha-1 + 0.25 kg Mo ha-1) at plant density of 1.11,111 plants ha -1 compared to FMP with application Of RDF only at same plant density( Rs, 26,149ha-1).

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