Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 4 (2001)

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Correlates of Attitude Towards Privatization of Extension Service by Farmers

S.N. Hanchinal, B. Sundaraswamy, J.G. Angadi


The study was conducted during 1998-99 in 16 villages of Haveri district of Karnataka State. Data was elicited from 240 farmers using pre-tested structured interview schedule. An attitude scale was developed fallowing scientific procedure for the study. The findings were; i) Out of 17 variables 8 variables namely, farm size, annual income, farm power, mass-media contact, extension contact, extension participation, management orientation and development opportunity were positively and significantly related with attitude towards privatization of extension service while age and farming experience were negatively related. ii) Multiple regression analysis showed extension contact and development opportunity had contributed significantly. Iii)Development opportunity exhibited highest positive effect on the attitude of the farmers towards privatization of extension service.

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