Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 4 (2001)

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Effect of Planter Speed on Seed Rate and Uniformity of Seed Spacing for Groundnut

M. Veerangouda, B. Shridar


Experiments were conducted on a power tiller drawn cup feed type of seed: planter at different speeds of operation the seed rate for groundnut was found to be optimum within the speed range of 1.413 km h-1 and 1.884 km h-1 . The seed damage was observed for groundnut seeds at higher speeds. The minimum multiples index of  8 per cent was found at a speed of 1.46 km  h-1.The minimum miss index of 8 per cent was observed at a speed 1.09 km h-1 and 1.46 krn h-1. The maximum quality feed index of 34 per cent was observed at a speed of 1.46 km h-1.

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