Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 4 (2001)

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Performance of Interceptor Drain on Soil Salinity, Water Table and Crop Yield

H. Raj Kumar, M.V. Manjunatha, M. Hebbara, S.G. Patil


An interceptor drain, parallel to a distributary was laid during 1992 at a depth of 1.7 m to intercept the seepage flows from canal and to prevent water logging and salinisation  in low- lying areas. The drain was located 500m downstream from canal and 250m upstream from the nala, with a running length of 800m draining into two minor natural nalas which in turn is connected to a major nala. Influence of interceptor drain was evaluated in terms of changes in soil salinity, water table and crop performance. Soil salinity decreased over years and the decrease was much tester in the downstream area of the interceptor than in the upstream area. Depth to water table was also increased indicating a positive role of the interceptor drain. Due to lowering of soil salinity and water table, crop yields improved considerably over the years.

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