Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 3 (2001)

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Grain and Yield Attributes of Dicoccum Wheat as Influenced by irrigation Schedules and Sowing Dates in Vertisols

S.A. Angadi, A.D. Janawade


A field experiment was conducted at Main research Station, Dharwad during rabi 1998-99 to study the response of dicoccum wheat to irrigation schedules and sowing dates In vertisols of nothem kamataka. The data indicated that, scheduling of irrigation at 0.9 IW/CPE ratio recorded significantly higher grain yield (4257 kg/ha) and yield components compared to 0.5 IW/CPE ratio and was on par with 0.7 IW/CPE ratio. Among sowing dates, November 20th sown crop gave higher grain yield (4386 kg/ha) followed by November 5th sown crop. The higher grain yield was attributed to more number of effective tillers/m row length, grains/ear and 1000 grain weight.

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