Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 14, No 1 (2001)

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Effect of Eucalyptus (E. tereticornis) Tree Management Practices Productivity of Vegetable Crops

T.B. Allolli, P.N. Reddy


The experiment was conducted during rabi season of 1995-96 and 1996-97 on red sandy loam soils at Regional Research Station, Raichur to study the comparative performance of vegetables,viz., bhendi, clusterbean and cucumber under eucalyptus based agroforestry system, wherein, felling of eucalyptus and trenching along the tree rows as a plant management practices were imposed. The performance of vegetables was assessed in terms of per cent attainment of yield and yield attributing characters over their respective control (Vegetable grown without eucalyptus). Data collected from two years have been pooled and analysed. Felling in conjunction with trenching imparted beneficial effect on the performance of vegetables. Among the vegetables, both cluster bean (56.9%) and bhendi (56.4%) attained the higher per cent of yield over their respective control, across the felling and trenching. Maximum (97.8%) yield potential was realised in cucumber, when it was provided with "felling and trenching". On the contrary, the potentiality of clusterbean reduced to merely 5.0 per cent of its control, when it was grown under eucalyptus without felling and trenching.

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