Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 13, No 4 (2000)

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Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Yield of Spikes, Corms, Cormels and Returns of Gladiolus Cv. White Prosperity

G.D. Gangadharan, G. Gopinath


An experiment was conducted to study the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield of spikes, corm, cormels and returns of gladiolus. Mean highest spike yield per hectare (246666.00) was obtained in the treatment involving sewage sludge @ 5 tons / ha + 80% recommended NPK dosage and vermicompost @ 10 tons / ha + 60% recommended NPK dosage applied plots Corn yield was maximum in the treatments T9 (vermicompost @ 10 tons/ha +■ 60% recommended NPK dosage) and T11 (vermicompost @ 15 tons / ha + 60% recommended NPK dosage) cormel yield was highest in the treatment T3 (10 tons of vermicompost / ha + 80% recommended NPK dosage), the same treatment obtained the highest gross - income, net -income and benefit :  cost ratio (Rs. 13,16,400.00. Rs. 8,01,779.03 and 1.56 :  1, respectively).

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