Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 13, No 4 (2000)

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Effect of Vermicompost on Fruit Yield and Quality of Banana cv. Rajapuri (Musa AAB)

S.I. Athani, N.C. Hulamani


In an experiment on use of vermicompost in banana cv. Rajapuri indicated that the fruit quality parameters and yield per hectare in both plant and ratoon crops varied significantly. The treatment in-situ vemiculturing @ 1,25,000 worms per hectare recorded the maximum shelf life (days). total soluble solids (TSS) and TSS:acid ratio and minimum acidity in plant crop and reducing sugar non-reducing sugar and total sugar in ratoon crop. The minimum shelf life (days) was recorded by 50 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer + 2 kg vermicompost per plant and 50 per cent RDF per plant recorded minimum TSS and TSS : acid ratio and maximum acidity in plant crop. The minimum sugar contents were noticed in 75 per cent RDF per plant in ratoon crop. The treatment 100 per cent RDF per plant recorded the maximum days for ripening and yield per hectare in both plant and ratoon crops,while minimum yield per hectare was recorded by in-situ vermiculturing @ 2,50,000 worms per hectare.

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