Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 18, No 3 (2005)

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Suitability of Media and Containers for Mass Production of Metarhizium anisopliae

Rachappa V., S. Lingppa, R.K. Patil, P.S. Hugar


Broken rice proved to be the most ideal substrate for mass production with higher conidial productivity and yield followed by sorghum. Conidial yield from maize, wheat and chickpea did not differ to discriminate the substrate superiority. Among the low cost liquid medium evaluated for mass production coconut water and rice gruel fortified with yeast (1%) supported the growth and conidial production better than molasses fortified with yeast (1%). Fungus growth was fast in saline and flat bottles resulting in shortest time lag between seeding and harvest (15-16 days) of conidia with higher roductivity and lowest contamination problem.

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