Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 18, No 3 (2005)

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A Comparative Study of Resource Productivities and Resource Use Efficiencies of Traditional and Tissue Culture Banana Cultivation In Parbhani District of Maharashtra State

M.U. Yadav, D.V. Nagure, K.D. Phuke, B.M. Kalalbandi


The regression coefficient obtained from Cobb-Douglas production function represents the elasticities of production. As regards to traditional banana cultivation, regression coefficient of area, FYM and potash were positive and significant at 10 per cent level; thereby indicating scope to increase the level of these inputs so as to step up the productivity of banana. The sum of elasticities of production was equal to unity showing constant returns to scale. In tissue culture banana, the functional analysis revealed that the regression coefficient of plantlet was highly significant thereby indicating scope to increase the level of plantlet so as to step up productivity. The sum of elasticities of production was equal to unity thereby showing constant returns to scale. MVP /MC ratio for the inputs namely sucker, nitrogen and bullock labour was greater than unity there by exhibiting there efficient use in tissue culture banana production.

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