Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 24, No 3 (2011)

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Stability analysis in sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.)

P.C. Haldavanekar, S.G. Bhave, R.G. Kahandekar, S.G. Kadam, S.S. Sawant


The twenty sweet potato genotypes were evaluated for stability parameters for the characters viz., number of tubers per plant, length of tuber (cm), girth of tuber (cm), weight of tuber (g), volume of tuber (ml) and yield of tubers per hectare (t/ha) over four environments with a view to identify sweet potato genotypes with reasonable degree of stability for yield. The results for pooled analysis of variance for stability revealed that the variance due to genotypes was significant for all the traits justifying the selection of genotypes for the study. Environmental variance component was also significant for all the six characters. Genotype x environment interaction was also detected significant for all the characters, which suggested varying responses of genotypes to different environments. Genotype S 56-2 almost satisfied all the three parameters of stability i.e. overall mean (22.28 t/ha), non-significant 'bi' (0.98) and 'S2di' value (4.67) and could be considered as stable. In addition, the genotypes Sree Vardhini, IB 90-15-9, IB 700, IB 90-11-1 and Doorshet Khandala also fulfill parameters of stability. Thus, these genotypes could also be considered as stable genotypes. Hence, these four genotypes can be recommended for general cultivation in the Konkan region of Maharashtra after detailed and further testing.

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