Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 8, No 2 (1995)

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Studies on Optimising Drill Sown Rice Yield Under Irrigation

V.V. Angadi, H.B. Babalad, P.N. Umapathy, G.D. Radder


Results of a three year study (1988-1990) on drill sown irrigated rice at Agricultural Research Station, Mugad, Karnataka showed that the use of 33% higher seed + 33% higher NPK fertilizers, alone or in combination with 10 ton FYM and 20 kg. ZnS04 per ha increased the grain yield by 23-37% and net returns by 34-50%, when compared with the normal practice (100 kg seeds and 100-50-50kg N-P205-K20 per ha). However, the maximum benefit-cost ratio was with 33% higher seeds and 33% higher NPK fertilizers only (3.42).

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