Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 7, No 2 (1994)

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Response of Drill Sown Rainfed Rice Genotypes to Seed Rate and Fertility Levels

P.N. Umapathy, V.V. Angadi, S.K. Nadaf, G.D. Raddeer


Two medium and two early rice genotypes were evaluated for their productivity and response to seed rate and fertility levels, against respective checks during 1990 and 1991 at the Agricultural Research Station, Mugad, under rainfed drill sown conditions. Medium duration genotype IET-5909~15~5 was superior to the check Avinash due to superior grain and straw yields and fine grain quality. The new early genotypes 1ET-7991-11-2 and 1ET -7564-4-3 however recorded on par grain and straw yields but had the ability to escape the possible drought at the later stages of crop growth due to their earliness when compared to the check Rasi. For all the genotypes tested, 100 kg seeds per ha and 100-50-50 kg N-P205~K20 per ha fertiliser level was found optimum

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