Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 5, No 1 (1992)

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Studies on the Cultural and Nutritional Aspects of Alternarla cyamopsldis, Casual Organism of Leaf Spot of Cluster Bean

S.T. Yenjerappa, G.M. Padaganur


Studies were undertaken on cultural and nutritional requirements of AUernarm cyamopsidis, causal organism of leaf spot of cluster bean. Among the different solid and liquid media tested, Richard's solution/agar supported maximum growth of the fungus but excellent sporulation was observed in potato dextrose and host extract agar. A wide range carbon sources were assimilated by the fungus. Sucrose supported maximum growth of the fungus followed by glucose, and fructose. Among the nitrogen sources tested, calcium nitrate supported good growth   of the fungus followed by sodium nitrate.

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