Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 5, No 2 (1992)

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A study on Chrysanthemum Cultivation by the Farmers of Dharwad District

S.H. Adapur, L. Manjunath, B. Sundaraswamy


The study conducted in Dharwad district on adoption pattern of chrysanthemum and the problems encountered by the farmers revealed that majority of the respondents adopted the practices like row to row spacing (60 %), basal dose application of fertilizer (7333 %), top dressing (61.67 %) and time of planting (95 %). Important practices like recommended variety, cutting treatment and pinching had not been followed by majority of the respondents. Marketing was the major problem expressed by the respondents. The study also revealed that 73.33 per cent of the respondents suggested the provision of better marketing facilities for the produce

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