Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 2, No 3 (1989)

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Response of Rabi Pigeonpea to Irrigation Scheduling in Northern Transitional Tract of Karnataka

A.B. Magadum, G.N. Kulkarni, B.M. Chittapur, V.V. Angadi, S.M. Hiremath


An experiment on rabi pigeonpea was conducted during 1981-82 with six irrigation sche­dules and three genotypes. Irrigation at 0 6 IW/CPE with 5-6 irrigations recorded signifi­cantly higher grain yield (1158 kg/ha), than treatments receiving two irrigations either at critical stages (747 kg/ha> or at 0.3 IW/CPE (827 kg/ha). Increasing number of irrigations to 9-10 (50% ASM or 0 9 IW/CPE) produced non-significant increase in yield over 0.6 IW/CPE. Rainfed treatment recorded the lowest grain yield of 442 kg/ha. Genotypes did not differ significantly in their yielding ability. Total consumptive use of water varied proportionately with number of irrigations recording highest consumptive use when irrigations were given at 50% ASM (681.1 mm) and the lowest with rainfed (159.9mm). Among genotypes, C-ll recorded higher consumptive use of water (451 4 mm) than RG-21 (433.5 mm) or T-21 (411.7 mm).

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