Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 1, No 1 (1988)

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Combining Ability Analysis in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)

Pradeep Raj Karat, R. Venugopal, J.V. Goud, R. Parameshwarappa


Combining ability for grain yield and 12 yield contributing characters were studied in a full diailel involving 8 parents. Both additive and nonaddifctve types of gene action were important for most of the characters under study. The parent NP 3 was a promising variety in respect of its high GCA effects and the best per se performance for. grain yield. The cross NP 3 x GL 35 gave high grain yield associated with early flowering and'is expected to give superior segregants in later generations. In general there was good agreement between perse performance and GCA effects of parents for most of the characters.

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