Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 25, No 4 (2012)

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Influence of organic, inorganic and bio fertilizers on flowering, yield and yield attributes of cucumber (cv. Hassan Local) in open field condition

M. Anjanappa, J. Venkatesh, B. Suresh Kumar


An experiment was carried out on influence of organic, inorganic and biofertilizers on yield and economics of cucumber (Cv. Hassan Local) grown under protected condition at Department of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore during the year 2005 and 2006. The results revealed that the plants treated with 75% RDF + 75% FYM + AZT + PSB + TD (T2) registered lowest number of days for male (30.00 ; 30.40) and female (30.36 ; 36.00) flower appearance, lowest node of first male female(3.30 ; 3.16) flower appearance, lowest sex ratio (4.60 ; 4.88 %), highest fruit length (18.16 ; 20.81 cm), fruit volume (295.61 ; 330.00 ml), fruit diameter (22.23 ; 22.40 mm), fruit weight (309.01 ; 324.94 g), fruit yield vine-1 (2.47 ; 2.55 kg) and total fruit yield hectare-1 (17.60 ; 18.22 t ha-1) during summer 2005 and rabi 2006 respectively. Whereas, the same treatment also recorded least number of nodes of first female (2.46) flower appearance and highest number of male flower (93.00) per vine during summer 2005, highest fruit cavity (4.55 cm) during rabi 2006. With this the treatment T2, 75% RDF + 75% FYM + Azotobacter + Phospobacteria + Trichoderma is identified as best for earliness and higher productivity.

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