Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 19, No 4 (2006)

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Field Evaluation of HaNPV and Bacilus thuringensis var., Kurstaki in the Management of Chilli Fruit Borer, H. armigera (Hub.)

A.M. Nadaf, K.A. kulkarni, J.S. Awaknavar, R.S. Giraddi


 A field experiment was carried out  to study the effect of sequential applications of HaNPV, Bt, botanicals and chemical insecticides on H. armigera in chilli at the Main Research Station, Dharwad during kharif 2001. The results showed that Btk-HaNPV - Btk recorded significantly lowest larval population (1.3 larvae/plant) after first, second and third spray. The mean fruit damage was also low (9.21%) in Btk-HaNPV-Btk. The yield of green chilli was significantly high (14.34 q/ha) in Btk-HaNPV-Btk with B:C ratio of 1.93.

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