Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 16, No 2 (2003)

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Effect of Feeding Different Leaf Meal on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler

Javed Mulla, M.C. Shivakumar, D.G. Naik


Eighty chicks of one  day -old were  divided into four different groups of 20  each. Two per cent additional oven dried subabul, mulbery, stylozanthus leaves were fed to different groups and  one  group served as control. Significant (p>0.05) gain in body weight could be seen among the groups. Birds fed with subabul performed better (p>0.05) when  compared to control group with just basel diet followed by stylozanthus  and mulbery group. Stylozanthus group birds consumed less feed compared to other different leaf meals additional supplemented group. Better feed efficiency could be seen in stylozanthus followed by subabul, control and mulbery group birds. None of the carcass characteristics was statistically significant (p>0.05) except weight of lungs. Weight of the lungs was higher in mulbery group followed by stylo, subabul and control group birds.

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