Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 28, No 2 (2015)

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Approaches for ending the era of farmer’s suicides

N.M. Kale, Raviprakash G. Dani, D.M. Mankar


In recent years, a larger agrarian crisis, particularly in low rainfall and low irrigation tracts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra has precipitated a spate of suicide death among socially and economically marginalized poor farmers. Indebtedness and its attained economic distress is the main reason behind suicide of farmers. The root cause behind the suicides is the fact that farming in low rainfall and low irrigation tracts has no larger remained financially viable. The  non-remunerative prices, weather related uncertainties, fluctuation in market rates, rise in cost of inputs, lack of irrigation facilities, lack of accurate weather information and crops damages by wild animals- all these are the contributing factors for creating agrarian distress amongst the farming community in this region. In fact farmer’s suicide is an outcome of a number of socio-psychological factors triggered by frequent crop failures, lack of alternative income-generating opportunities, scarce irrigation facilities, inductiveness, alcoholism and inability of the incumbent to fulfill family and social obligations. The economic consequences of suicides are fatal for the family of the incumbent- includes loss of income; asset depletion and deterioration of human capital are among others. The State and Central Government should take proper initiative to improve the rain fed farming in general and farmer’s livelihood in particular.

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