Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 28, No 2 (2015)

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Effect of compost enriched with NPK fertilizers and neem oil coated urea on productivity and nutrient use efficiency in maize

V.V. Sanjaykumar, T.S. Vageesh, G.J. Abhiram, Y.P. Shilpashree


A field experiment was conducted in Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Navile, Shivamogga to know the impact of different compost enrichment methods on productivity and NPK use efficiency and their uptake by maize. The different compost enrichment methods adopted were: compost alone, recommended package of practice (RPP), compost enriched with NPK fertilizers, compost enriched with neem oil coated urea (NOCU) + PK fertilizers and compost enriched with neem cake + PK fertilizers. Compost + NOCU + PK fertilizers recorded significantly higher grain yield (8626 kg ha-1) and also higher N (210.8 kg ha-1), P (65.4 kg ha-1) and K (205.8 kg ha-1) uptake by maize. The highest N, P and K use efficiency of 34.5, 59.9 and 118.1 kg grain per kg N, P and K applied respectively, was recorded in the compost + NOCU + PK fertilizers treatment. Compost + neem cake + PK fertilizers enrichment method recorded significantly higher available N (192.5 kg ha-1), available P (37.6 kg ha-1) and available K (182.2 kg ha-1) in soil over RPP (154.8 kg ha-1, 33.7 kg ha-1 and 161.4 kg ha-1 available N, P and K, respectively).

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