Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 28, No 4 (2015)

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Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on soil chemical properties under aerobic rice cultivation

S. Jaffar Basha, R. Basavarajappa


A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of organic and inorganic nutrient management practices on soil chemical properties under aerobic rice cultivation during kharif, 2013 and 2014 at Main Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad. The experiment consisted of twenty four treatment combinations comprising of six main plot treatments (manurial practices) as Recommended dose of chemical fertilizer (RDF) (100:50:50 kg N, P2O5, K2O ha-1), RDF + Farm yard manure (5 t ha-1) + microbial consortium (Azospirillum + Phosphate solubilizing bacteria), FYM (1/3) + vermicompost (1/3) + green leaf manure (1/3) equivalent to 100 kg recommended N ha-1 (RDN), FYM (1/3) + vermicompost (1/3) + green leaf manure (1/3) equivalent to RDN + microbial consortium, FYM (1/3) + vermicompost (1/3) + green leaf manure (1/3) equivalent to RDN with recommended FYM (5 t ha-1) and  FYM (1/3) + vermicompost (1/3) + green leaf manure (1/3)equivalent to RDN with recommended FYM + microbial consortium and four sub plot treatments (liquid organic manures) as  soil application of jeevamrut @ 500 l ha-1 at 30, 60 and 90 DAS,  foliar application of cow urine @ 500 l ha-1 at 30, 60 and 90 DAS, soil application of biodigester @ 2500 l ha-1 at 30, 60 and 90 DAS and  control (no liquid manure application)  which were replicated thrice. Application of FYM (1/3) + vermicompost (1/3) + green leaf manure (1/3) equivalent to 100 kg recommended N ha-1 with recommended FYM (5 t ha-1) + microbial consortium with soil application of biodigester @ 2500 l ha-1 at 30, 60 and 90 DAS  recorded higher organic carbon  (5.97 g kg-1), available soil nitrogen (310.46 kg ha-1), phosphorus (30.90 kg ha-1), potassium (328.16 kg ha-l) and sulphur (15.16 ppm) in soil after harvest of rice under aerobic cultivation

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