Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 28, No 4 (2015)

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Combining ability analysis for fruit yield and quality traits in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

L.B. Basavaraju, V.D. Gasti, V.D. Rathod, T. Shantappa, K.S. Shankarappa


The present investigation was undertaken to study the combining ability of parents and crosses for fruit yield and quality components in tomato using 45 hybrids involving 15 lines and three testers in line x tester fashion. The genotypes were evaluated in randomized block design with two replication, at the field of Vegetable Science unit of Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, Belagavi District (Karnataka). The present study revealed that, none of the parent was good general combiner for all the traits as combining ability effects were not consistent for yield and its components.The analysis of variance for combining ability showed the existence of significant variation for seven characters, it indicating a wide range of variability among the genotypes. Out of 15' lines eight lines viz., T-26, T-36, Swarna Naveen, Vaibhav, DMT-1, DMT-5, S-22 and HUB-18 and the testers  Arka Abha and  DMT-2 are identified as a good combiners over all characters. Similarly the crosses viz., S-22 x Arka Abha, DMT-5 x Arka Alok, DMT-5 x Arka Abha and T-26 x  DMT-2 are identified as the good specific combiners for yield per plant and the crosses viz., Swarna Naveen  x Arka Alok  and T-36 x Arka Alok were found to be superior for processing qualities. A population improvement approach in the form of recurrent selection or simple selection could be used for exploitation of additive and non-additive gene actions for these traits

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