Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 30, No 1 (2017)

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Effect of scheduling irrigation and mulching on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.)



The experimental results revealed that taller plant height (199.13 cm), higher leaf area (33.97 dm2/plant) andabove ground dry matter (240.87 g/plant) was recorded in irrigation scheduled at 0.8 IW:CPE ratio. Irrigation scheduled at0.8 IW:CPE ratio recorded higher grain yield (78.66 q/ha) followed by irrigation scheduled at 0.6 IW:CPE ratio (62.27 q/ha).Among the mulches, wheat straw mulching at 5 t/ha recorded significantly higher grain yield (66.28 q/ha) over no mulchingand was on par with sunnhemp brown manuring (two rows) (64.27 q/ha). Combination of 0.8 IW:CPE ratio x wheat strawmulching at 5 t/ha recorded higher grain yield (80.85 q/ha) and was at par with 0.8 IW:CPE ratio x sunnhemp brownmanuring (two rows) (78.09 q/ha). Among the mulches, wheat straw mulching at 5 t/ha recorded significantly higher WUE(24.92 kg/ and was on par with sunnhemp brown manuring (two rows) (24.36 kg/ Mulches recorded lowerweed dry weight over no mulch. The highest weed control efficiency of 77.97 per cent was recorded in sunnhemp brownmanuring (two rows).

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