Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 30, No 2 (2017)

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Socio- economic characteristics of livestock farmers and their relationship with crop residues management practices



The present study was taken up in paddy growing Kalghatagitaluk and Sorghum growing Dharwadtaluk ofDharwad district. The criteria for selection of farmers were they must possess both land and livestock. The study villageswere selected by assigning random numbers. Six villages from each taluk and in all study covered 12 villages. Sixty farmersfrom each taluk were sampled for the study. The sample size for the study was 120 farmers. The ex-post facto researchdesign was used for the study. The data was collected by personal interview method. Results of the study revealed thatmorethan half (55.8 per cent) of the respondentsbelonged to middle age category and 42.2 per cent belonged to old aged (42.2%)category. Majority of the respondents (90.00%) received primary education. As high as 82.5 per cent of the respondents’belonged to big family and the rest 17.5 per cent had small family.Non significant relationship was found between selecteddemographic characteristics (age, education, family type, family size, land holding, annual income and herd size) and cropresidue produced; and its economic value. However highly significant relationship was found between education and costof crop residue production; land holding and cost of crop residue production. With other variables such as age, family type,family size, annual income and herd size, non significant relationship was found with cost of crop residue production.

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