Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 30, No 3 (2017)

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Shelf- life study of dried seethani grains



SMJ-1 sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) dried seethani, grains roasted at milky stage, is mainly consumed
immediately after roasting and not utilized much for for further value addition. In order to explore the possibility of utilizing
the grains for various purposes the present study was undertaken to study the shelf-life of grains at three different
conditions viz. refrigerated (8 ± 3 oC, 50 ± 2% RH), ambient (28 ± 5 oC, 50 ± 5 Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)
% RH), and accelerated storage conditions (45 oC, 60 ± 2 % RH) for one month. Thirty grams of dried seethani grains were
packed in HDPE pouches and stored in each of the conditions. Moisture content and changes in organolpetic profile of
seethani grains after boiling was evaluated on the scale of 9 at regular intervals. The results revealed that the grains stored
under refrigerated and ambient conditions showed no changes in moisture level during the storage period of one month. The
sample stored under accelerated conditions i.e., higher temperature and higher relative humidity, showed an increase in
moisture level of the grains from 4.26 to 5.87 per cent within twenty days of storage period. In spite of increase in moisture
content at higher temperature and relative humidity, no visual infestation and microbial growth was seen during the period
of study. The organolpetic scores including appearance, color, flavor, texture, taste and overall acceptability of seethani
grains stored under ambient and refrigerated condition for one month was within the range of 7 to 8 i.e. like moderately to
like very much and did not vary significant during storage study. Therefore, study can be concluded that the seethani grains
can be stored for longer time without any changes in sensory characteristics and also without any visual infestation.

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