Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 30, No 3 (2017)

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Investigations of turcicum leaf blight (TLB) and common rust (CR) of maize in northern Karnataka



Turcicum leaf blight and common rust are major foliar diseases in allmaize growing regions of Karnataka which caused severe reduction ingrain yield. These diseases symptoms first appear on the leaves atany stage of plant growth, but usually they appeared at or afteranthesis. Extensive survey indicated that, the disease severity of TLBand CR observed from low to severe form in all the maize growingareas of northern Karnataka. Results revealed that severity of bothdiseases varied from one locality to another due to number of factorslike, soil type, cropping pattern, soil moisture and temperature.Maximum diseases severity was recorded in irrigated areas on blacksoils and at grain filing stage of the crop. The maximum disease severitywas recorded in Belagavi district (TLB- 39.35 and CR- 23.15 %) andlowest disease severity (TLB- 6.59 and CR- 5.22 %) was recorded inVijayapur district.

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