Journal of FARM SCIENCES, Vol 31, No 1 (2018)

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Comparison of phenological phases and morphological traits in grain and vegetable soybean types and their relation with yield



Ten genotypes consisting of both vegetable (AGS 447, AGS 459, AGS 460 )) and grain types (Kalitur, DSb-21,DSM, KHSb-2, DB-local, DSb-15 and JS-335) were sown during kharif 2015 with an objective of studying the phenologicalphases and morphological traits and comparing between these two types of soybean and their relation with seed yield. Thedata on phenological phases revealed that the vegetative phases (VE, V1, V2, V3) were late in vegetable types in contrastthe reproductive phases (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 and R8) in vegetative types were squeezed. This is a typical featureof vegetable types compared to grain soybean types. The yield of grain soybean types was higher compared to vegetabletypes at R8 stage. This was mainly attributed to longer duration of reproductive phases of grain soybeans followed byincreased yield attributes like higher number of pods/plant, higher no. of seeds per pod and better canopy architecture of thegrain soybean types. Thus grain and vegetable soybean differed distinctively in phenology and morphological traits. Amongthe grain soybeans, Kalitur yielded highest followed by JS 335. Among the vegetable types AGS 447 gave higher yield.

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